
An hour in Boswil (homage to boswil)

An hour in Boswil (homage to boswil)

CompositorAli Osman
EditoraAli Osman
Gênero Clássico / Contemporâneo
Instrumentação Piano, Flauta, Flauta piccolo, Oboé, Violino, Viola, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Sinos tubulares, Tarola, Timbales, Caneca
Composição paraOrquestra de Câmara
Tipo de composiçãoPartitura completa
movimento(s) 1 para 1 de 1
duração 5'0"
dificuldade Advanced
Ano de composição 2000
A picture of soundto the village a homage to this village where i stay tyhere for two months it ixpresses the sounds that were sorounding me all this time.the idea came from the bell of the oclock on the tower of the church thai it rings six times at the hour and three times at the quarter and the half and 45 so the bells rings four times in the piece and it was supposed to be 60 measures 9minutes) but it would be too short so I made 120 measures.

data de postagem 08 jun 2011

Sheet music file 20.00 USD
686.1 Kb
(42 p.)


15 jul 2011
I like it!

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